RECIPESSandra Park


RECIPESSandra Park

We had these in Germany and I knew I needed to learn how to make them because we ate like 20 when we were there for a weekend? Or maybe that’s exactly why I should stay away because they’re hard to put down after just 1.

Also, alkaline solution sounds scary but it literally just means boiling baking soda in water. Have courage and enjoy!


  • 750 g Flour

  • 5 g Salt

  • 4 g Yeast

  • 370 g Lukewarm Water

  • 70 g Soft Unsalted Butter

  • Alkaline Solution: More Water + Baking soda


  • Mix flour, salt, and yeast

  • Add water and butter

  • Knead for 15 minutes (I don’t have a stand mixer so by hand). Add flour if it’s too sticky, a little water if it’s crumbly. You’ll feel the dough push back against you as the gluten develops

  • Plastic wrap and rest for 1 hour, until doubled

  • Divide into 100 gram lumps, makes about 14. Form into little round balls, seam side down

  • Time for our double rise. I let it rest on the baking sheet on parchment paper. Let it rest again for 30 minutes. Cover with a towel

  • Preheat oven to 220*C/ 450*F

  • Alkaline Solution: For every 10 oz of water, add a tablespoon of baking soda. 10 oz is a generous cup so like 3-4 cups of water, 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda. Boil

  • When the 30 minutes are up, drop 2 buns into the alkaline water at a time. I used a spider

  • 30 seconds on one side, and then flip. I sang happy birthday to each side. They should float

  • Pull it out and put them back on the parchment paper. They’ll form a little leathery skin

  • When they’re all done, cut little x’s on top and add flaky salt

  • Bake for 15 minutes