Sandra Park


Sandra Park

Quick update! We moved to Denver! We are officially Colorado wedding photographers. It seems crazy to see it written in front of me. To say it out loud as I type with the window open while the afternoon summer storm rolls in. It doesn't seem real. We are heartbroken and heartmended in a lot of ways. Broken because we left a genuinely phenomenal community of people we love so much, because this move was so much harder than we had ever imagined it being, because we are homesick for a place we no longer own. And we are mended because we have a good God who loves us so well. We have received so much love from our community out here, and we are trusting that we are where we should be as we dream with our hands wide open. We have to keep our hands open because we can't see beyond the pines, but we dream, hope, and move forward anyways. Thank you for coming on this journey with us! We could not be photographers if people didn't trust us with their time and money so thank you for letting us do what we love.

And we really do love it. We get to meet the best people, people we would be honored to call our people. People who are solid, creative, and a lot of fun to be around. And Josiah and Becca are no exception.

They are genuine with everyone around them, and that quality makes their relationship so great to be around. They are the real deal. And Josiah lights up around the strawberry blonde woman he clearly adores. And she looks up at him with emoji heart eyes. We love these two and had a blast spending the afternoon with them. We recently got to shoot their wedding as well, and we cannot wait to go through those. Until then though, feast your eyes.
