It's been a while right? Tis the season for spooky ghoul and spider decorations already. And in the next few weeks it will be Thanksgiving and then boom! Christmas. Oddly enough, Denver's been so warm it doesn't feel at all like we are coming into November. I chucked on my giant blanket scarf from Asos anyways despite the warm weather. Regardless, the season is flying by. Jon's school is in full swing, and I am running around always with a hundred things on my plate. But wrapping up this wedding was probably one of my favorite things from this season. We adore Josiah and Becca. They are both creative and sweet and funny. Josiah is a writer who just dotes on Becca, and Becca has a huge servant heart who loves and cherishes Josiah's gentleness. And it has been such a gift to be a part of their wedding day, documenting their laughter, tears, hugs, and vows as their community came around them to celebrate their love story.

We love these guys, Cheers to the Cox's!