Sandra Park


Sandra Park

austin and alicia are amazing humans. and they got married with fifty of their favorite people in rocky mountain national park toward the end of summer. the whole day was magical, nestled beside a river below the mountains surrounded by woods. and it was so fun to celebrate with austin and alicia with so many denver industry people. dana from work & class fried up chicharones and fried chicken. there was corn hole and bubbles. and denver photo bus printed photo strips right on the lawn. right before we lost the sun, we rushed over to grand lake. i asked alicia to take her hair down. i loved how natural it looks and the way it moves with the wind. and we walked down the dock, just the four of us as the sun set over the mountains in the back and the wind lapped the water. it was perfect. thank you for inviting us to be a part of your story.

cheers to the clardie's!