Sandra ParkComment


Sandra ParkComment

It’s finally coffee soda season. Personally, I love iced coffee, even in the winter. I usually don’t have the patience to sip a hot drink slowly. But now that it’s 27*C / 78*F in London, I feel like we have finally landed in iced coffee season. I know we’re all missing going to coffee shops, but this is really good and very simple. I am using a moka pot because we can easily find Illy (pre-packaged finely ground coffee) from our local grocer but cold brew concentrate would be great too!

I know some coffee people will die inside because espresso is supposed to be consumed immediately, but I brew the moka pot the night before, add sugar to the hot coffee and then stick it in the fridge. This way I don’t have to make a simple syrup, but also I don’t want the hot coffee to melt my ice cubes and dilute the drink. That’s why cold brew would be ideal but this works great.

*If you don’t have sparkling water, you can use flat no problem. Additionally, if you want to have it right away or don’t want to refrigerate the coffee the night before, you can pour the hot coffee on ice cubes without adding water.


  • Coffee from a 6 cup Bialetti

  • 1 Lemon

  • Demerara sugar (about 1 tablespoon, but to taste)

  • Ice

  • Sparkling water or tonic


  • 3 ice cubes first

  • Pour 70 g cold coffee over the ice

  • Add 50 g sparkling water

  • I add the lemon last so it floats on top. 1/2 lemon which is about 15 g of lemon juice

  • Enjoy!
