Sandra ParkComment

Dean & Jessie

Sandra ParkComment
Dean & Jessie

Dean Kallivrousis of Buddy Brew Coffee and his wife Jessie Kallivrousis are family friends we love and adore. And we love when our friends make babies! They are so stinking cute! It's particularly wonderful when you get to see them grow as a couple and as a family. We first met Dean and Jessie over two years ago, right before Jon & I got married actually. They were training together in coffee when Dean found out Jessie was pregnant. Surprise! And what a beautiful gift Sophia has been to them. This past year has been one of ups and downs and adventures and heartbreak and laughter for these two, but it has been incredible to see them grow up so much through it all. And although we are sad and excited to see them move away from Kansas City and back to Florida, we are honored to be able to send them off with a family portrait. We love you guys!