
I think this is one of the last yummiest things we made in our London kitchen before we moved to Glasgow. I never thought London would get too hot or that it would bother me as a native Californian, but it got real hot. It was a nice reprieve from the constant rain, but it also made me homesick for the beach and good taco trucks in random parking lots. If you’ve been to LA, you know what I’m talking about. Though it isn’t quite authentic, this braised pastor is a flavour explosion and so delicious, it’s worth making. It’s also a braise, so you’re not slaving over a grill for hours on end. You really put everything together and then leave it on the stove and come back to dinner. It’s the easiest. I served it with rice and a peach/ pineapple salsa, but pickled onions would be good with it too. Of course, don’t forget a wedge of lime to drench everything in. This would make a great dinner party centre dish. It’s both rich and bright, and it might be the best thing I’ve ever created so enjoy!


  • 1 kg lamb breast

  • salt

  • 1/2 pineapple

  • 100 g achiote paste (El Yucateco brand)

  • 20 g honey

  • 40 g apple cider vinegar

  • 20 g olive oil

  • 10 g crushed red pepper

  • 10 g chili powder

  • 8 g cumin

  • 250 g water


  • Generously salt the lamb breast, all over

  • Add achiote paste to 100 g water of water in a big dutch oven.

  • The paste is very thick and salty and vinegary. Make sure you dissolve it well so it isn’t one big clump.

  • Add the diced pineapple, honey, ac vinegar, olive oil, crushed rep pepper, chili powder and cumin to the dissolved achiote broth.

  • Add the lamb breast.

  • Add the last 150 g water.

  • Cover and simmer for at least 1 hour, just keep an eye on the liquid. If it’s reducing too quickly, lower the heat a bit.

  • It will reduce to a thick syrupy sauce

  • Serve with a wedge of lime, salsa and rice or tortilla (Recipe Here)

  • For the salsa, I just chopped up some peaches, pineapple, and red onion. Gave it a splash of ac vinegar and threw a pinch of salt over it. It was bright and sweet and helped cut the richness from the lamb. Jalapeños and/ or cilantro would be a great addition too, but I didn’t have any.

  • This serves at least 4 people or 2 with plenty leftover.
