Sandra ParkComment


Sandra ParkComment

If you frequent the River Market in KC, you have probably met John Goode of Goode Acre Farms. He wears a baseball cap and a moustache and sells seasonal vegetables from a booth most weekends. John seemed quiet and gruff and unassuming. 

I set my alarm for 4:30 AM.

Over an hour away from KCMO, out in Wathena, KS, John Goode greeted us as the sun began to rise and warm up the chilly autumn landscape. He took us to a rooftop deck where we could overlook the large Missouri River as it began to unfold under the morning light. He sipped his coffee and looked out over the land with a sense of pride that came from knowing what it felt like under his hands. He spoke with warmth and intelligence as he kindly answered all of our questions with patience as we followed him around the acreage. John was completely at ease here. This vast wild land was home. 

He shared with us his dreams for the land and his hopes for the coming years, and we were blown away by his intentionality. He showed us his farm and introduced us to each vegetable. He pulled up radishes straight from the ground proudly so we could taste how sweet they were.

He grows lavender just because it is beautiful.

John also runs a co-op in St. Joseph. He doesn't care that it's trendy. He just lives out the belief that food can be local, healthy, and seasonal. He works with amazing chefs all over Kansas City so they can create phenomenal menus. 

I am so humbled and honored and thankful John Goode allowed us to tell his story.