Sandra ParkComment


Sandra ParkComment

It is hard to believe we are already two weeks into 2016. 2015 was amazing. It was fun and adventurous and frightening and difficult and humbling and wonderful. What a journey it has truly been. We were given space to dream, create, and believe in the improbable.

And we also learned how easy it is for our career to become our identity, especially as creatives because it depends on people affirming you, hiring you, believing in you. That can be really scary. I struggled with depression like I never have before, and it was a dark place too many good people are already familiar with. However, my struggle created space for me to rest, and I don't only mean physically. My heart and soul learned that no amount of grasping at wellness can heal me. 

I will never be good enough. I cannot control everything. I am not enough.

I am a broken person in need of grace. But God calls us His own. What a beautiful truth that is to rest in. 

For 2016, we want to press in and really meditate on the word hope. We want to continue to dream with open hearts and open hands and not let the cares of this world and the fears of growing up squish us. Because hope casts out fear. And we want to hope better, deeper, more. And cast vision further than we can see. We want to go beyond the pines. And we invite you to come on that journey with us. 

We have flown over oceans and driven through mountains. Climbed shape shifting sand dunes and waded in warm waters. Stood before colorful landscapes that could not be imagined, and entered into stories only God could have written. What a privilege. What immense trust. What an honor.

Thank You.

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