Dane and Missy started dating five years ago. They were totally different people then, both young and unsure of where this new relationship was going. But in those five years, Missy and Dane grew into adults, changed for the better, and matured in their love for one another. They have allowed that time to bring them closer together, refining their understanding of one another, learning grace and forgiveness, and ultimately celebrating the work of redemption in their lives. And they are so very much in love! They constantly make one another laugh, have more inside jokes than one can keep track of, and still look at each other with heart eye emojis. And what incredible troopers! It was a high of 10* up in the mountains, but they were amazing, down for anything. They are so great, and we absolutely love them so much, and cannot wait for their wedding this spring. Cheers to the future Andersons!
