Sandra ParkComment


Sandra ParkComment

Lacy is an introvert who loves people well by being an open book and incredibly honest.  She has a huge servant heart. She loves Lord of the Rings. She grew up in Africa. She is a gorgeous red head. She has a dry sense of humor that can catch you off guard. And she is lovely. 

Josiah is an extrovert who loves people by empathizing with them wherever they are. He is a treasure trove of knowledge. He is a bookworm. He loves ultimate frisbee. He is wonderfully goofy. He is very handsome. He is an unbelievably talented musician with a soft spot a mile wide.

And together they love people incredibly well. It has been amazing to walk alongside them these past few years as they learned to love each other better, deeper, more as a married couple. And we are so sad and at the same time so happy for them as they continue their journey in Oklahoma AND with a little one on the way. We love these two so much. Cheers to the Smiths!

*Lacy is also a health and wellness coach! And she is amazing. Check out her site HERE .